Friendly Rock Bar in Nakano

If you’re in Nakano, Jet Bar is a chill, rock-and-disco-inspired bar; the disco inspiration is seen in the bright, hot orange walls and the psychedelic checkboards that are the floor and ceiling. The rock inspiration comes through in the stylish rock guitars on the wall and posters of famous rock bands.

On a regular day, Jet Bar’s a quiet place to enjoy a few drinks with friends, and maybe mingle with a few Japanese locals. But, the place gets a lot livelier when there’s an event going on, and you’ll want to arrive quick, because Jet Bar fills up quick.

Jet Bar’s website isn’t updated that frequently so if you want to check what upcoming events there are, their Twitter account is more reliable. Or, if you’re feeling spontaneous, take a gamble and just show up at Jet Bar and let them surprise you. There could be a live band or a magic show. Whatever it is, it’s sure to entertain.