One of the biggest factors when thinking about moving to Japan is getting a job in Japan. Finding a job can be daunting, and trying to figure out where to start and what jobs you might be interested in are equally so. With the need for Japanese language ability in most jobs, it can seem difficult to figure out the opportunities you can go after. Don’t worry. We’ve compiled a list of the easiest jobs in Japan for foreigners to get. We hope this will help you on your journey to finding a job in the Land of the Rising Sun!

Easiest Jobs in Japan for Foreigners

1. Language Teachers 

Easiest jobs in Japan for foreigners

Japan is known to have a long tradition of employing English instructors. Many schools or private tutoring places want English speakers to teach. It’s not too difficult to find a job of this type, due to the high demand.

Some basic requirements are a Bachelor’s degree and a clean criminal record. It is also usually preferred to have a teaching certificate. You’ll also need citizenship from a recognized English-speaking country.

Besides teaching, some basic tasks will include preparing lesson plans, organizing topics that will be covered in class, and preparing homework and tests. Jukus, which are private after-school tutoring places, are also great for teaching and tutoring. It isn’t as difficult as teaching in a classroom, and you can usually schedule your hours.

It is pretty simple to apply for schools or jukus. A simple Google search will give you plenty of options. It’s best to have an idea of where in Japan you would like to work before starting your search. You could also ask teachers, friends, or family about places they might know. 

The average salary for teachers is around $1,700 – $5,000 U.S. dollars per month. Some recommended spots in Tokyo are “Interac” and “Amity Corporation.” In Osaka, some good schools are “Hello Sensei” and “Gaba.” Some good areas in Kyoto and Hiroshima are “Amity Corporation” and “Hello Sensei.” 

2. Software Engineer

Jobs in Japan Software engineer

It might come as a surprise but there is a huge market in Japan for software engineers. So, if you like Japanese culture and already have the required Bachelor’s degree, why not work in Japan?

The pay isn’t as high as in some other countries, but it is decent. The starting salary is around 300,000 yen per month. It is recommended to be good at Japanese. It is not always required, but it prevents miscommunication from happening. Plus, you will get paid more if you can speak Japanese and if you have more job experience.

Again, finding a job isn’t too difficult. Because there is such a large market for it, a simple search in the prefecture where you want to work will be sufficient. I would recommend researching companies that you find. See which ones seem to be the best fit for you, and which ones have the environment you’re looking for. 

3. Factory Workers 

Jobs in Japan Factory workers

Another surprisingly big job market in Japan is for factory workers. These jobs are quite stable and not too hard to get into.

There’s a wide variety of factory work opportunities in Japan, so it’s important to figure out which type of factory you’re interested in before starting your job search. Some possibilities include electronics, machinery and automotive, steel production, pharmaceuticals, exporting Japanese products, and food and beverage manufacturing.

One reason why being a factory worker in Japan is a good idea is that Japanese people are usually very friendly and disciplined. Plus, the salary is usually high. It tends to depend on someone’s skills, and where they live. It will also vary depending on whether you are a full-time or part-time worker. 

For this job, it is recommended to learn the Japanese language. It is possible to work in a factory without learning it, but it’s harder to find a job and you will make more if you speak the language reasonably well. 

One thing to be aware of, however, is that you will need to be physically fit. Factory work can be extremely physical. There is also a medical test that most people have to take. 

Finding a factory job isn’t too difficult. Again, just do your research and Google different companies in the prefectures where you want to go. 

4. Nursing Care

Jobs in Japan Nursing care

Caretakers are needed in Japan due to the country’s high senior population. Since there aren’t enough Japanese workers, the government has opened up this type of work for foreigners as well. The pay as a caretaker averages at about 3.2 million yen a year or around 1,570 yen an hour.

There are four ways you can work as a care worker in Japan. 

The first involves having an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). Japan has an EPA with Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. This means that citizens of these countries are allowed to work in Japan as care workers. However, note that you do need to have an N3 or higher Japanese language understanding. 

The second is by getting a care worker visa. International students who graduate from a care worker training school in Japan and get a nursing care certification can get a visa. Some schools even allow you to work part-time as you study. Using this route, you will need to have an N2 language proficiency or higher. 

The third option is to enter a technical intern training program. After entering Japan, technical interns must take classes in Japanese and nursing care while working at a senior care facility. After a year into the program, interns will have to pass exams that test both their knowledge and practical skills. If they pass, they can stay for another two years. There will be more exams, and the whole program lasts five years. 

The fourth and final option is to get a specified skilled worker (i) visa. This newer program allows those who have passed exams and can show a certain level of Japanese and nursing care knowledge to come to Japan. They must work at a senior care facility for five years and become a certified care worker. Once they become certified, they can switch over to a care worker visa and continue living in Japan. 

5. Hospitality (e.g., restaurants, convenience stores) 

Jobs in Japan Hospitality

There are tons of hospitality gigs in Japan, and depending on what you’re after, the language skills needed and the pay can vary. You’ve got options like hotels, restaurants, convenience stores, fast food delivery, and more. It’s actually one of the easiest gigs to snag as a foreigner, so keep your eyes peeled for openings!

With all these options, it isn’t too hard to find a job. You just need to know what type of job you’re looking for. If it’s a restaurant job, are you looking at being a waiter, kitchen staff, delivery staff, bartender, or someone who works in a themed cafe? After you narrow down what type of job you want to a few options, then you can search for jobs. 

The type of pay and the type of visa will change depending on the job you get. For instance, for a hotel job, you will need an N2 or an N1 level in Japanese. You’ll also have to work inconsistent hours, so some night shifts. You usually don’t need hotel experience, but it is a plus. You’ll have to be extremely hospitable and polite to guests. The average salary will vary depending on the size of the hotel but it is usually between 3 to 4 million yen per year. 

Most hospitality jobs can be full or part-time. If you’re a student in Japan, some student visas allow for part-time work. You could ask friends, family, and teachers if they know of any good part-time work, or you could just do a quick Google search for hospitality jobs in your neck of the woods.

6. Recruiter 

Jobs in Japan Recruiter 

Japan has one of the most unique recruitment markets in the world. It is perfect for people with a ton of experience, but also for people with no experience. In some cases, you don’t need to be fluent in Japanese and the hours can be extremely flexible. 

Your main duties will just be meeting people, making connections, and helping people and companies. Some other skills that might come in handy are sales, marketing, business, writing, customer support, and research. 

The salary depends on the job, but a lot of money can be made in the recruiting industry. Many people double and triple their salary after working for a year or two.

There are so many available openings, so apply for various positions and find the one you like. One thing to pay attention to is that larger companies have better training programs. 

That’s our list of some of the easiest jobs in Japan for foreigners to get. We hope this helps you on your journey to landing the right job in Japan. Just remember that this job does not define the rest of your time in Japan. A lot of people use these jobs as stepping stones to get into Japa. You can always change jobs if you want to once you’re here.