While Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto might be the first places that come to mind when you think of Japan, there’s a whole world of incredible cities offering fantastic opportunities beyond these popular destinations.

If you’re looking to explore and find the perfect place to call home in Japan, worry not! This guide dives deep into the factors that will influence your decision, helping you discover the best place to live in Japan for you.

Here are more useful resources for your life in Japan: stey-by-step guide to moving to Japan, top 5 jobs for foreigners in Japan, how much it costs to live in Japan, how difficult it is to move to Japan, and finding out if you will be happy in Japan.

One of the best ways to explore Tokyo is to visit the local areas and immerse yourself in the local culture. If you want to explore local areas, we have created scavenger hunt adventures personalised to your interests, filled with fun facts, clues and puzzles. If you’re curious, you can check out the games here!

Check out the Flip Japan Games here!

Find out Stey-by-step to moving to Japan, Top 5 jobs for foreigners, Best place to live in Japan, How much does it cost to live in Japan, How difficult it is to move to Japan and Find out if you will be happy in Japan.

The Best City to Live in Japan 

Best place to live in japan different culture and city

The truth is, there’s no single answer to the question of the “best” city in Japan. It all depends on what your priorities are. Everyone has a unique personality, lifestyle, and set of interests, and the ideal place to live will reflect that.

Let’s take a look at a survey conducted with over 4,700 Japanese residents aged 20-59, which explored their opinions on the best places to live in Japan. Interestingly, the top three prefectures identified as being the “easiest” to live in were Fukuoka, Okinawa, and Miyagi.

 Source: Dime

These regions might be seen as more relaxed due to their slower pace of life, lower living costs, and abundance of nature.

On the other hand, a separate survey of 31,369 Japanese citizens revealed Hokkaido, Kyoto, and Tokyo as the prefectures with the most charm.

Best place to live in japan, mt fuji

While Hokkaido has a reputation for being frigid (winters can be harsh), it boasts four distinct and beautiful seasons. Beyond its stunning natural beauty, Hokkaido offers a plethora of activities, a surprisingly low cost of living, and a globally renowned cuisine distinct from the rest of Japan, making it a strong contender for the best place to live in Japan for some.

Kyoto, steeped in rich history and culture as Japan’s former capital, is a treasure trove of temples, shrines, and even boasts the highest concentration of geisha houses in the country.

Tokyo, the current capital, pulsates with energy. It’s the heart of Japan, offering endless entertainment, events, and attractions.

As you can see, simply declaring one prefecture the absolute best isn’t possible. Here at FLIP Guide, we believe in crafting personalised experiences. In the next section, we’ll explore some key factors to consider when choosing your ideal city in Japan.

Factors To Consider In Figuring Out Which City or Prefecture to Live In

Cost of Living

Best place to live in japan

The cost of living plays a significant role in determining the best place to live in Japan for you. While major cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka tend to be pricier, many prefectures throughout Japan offer a more affordable lifestyle. If the bustling crowds and urban sprawl aren’t your thing, exploring these alternative locations could be the perfect fit.

Remember, even within big cities, there are ways to be cost-conscious. Check out our article on the true cost of living in Japan to learn more!

Job Opportunities 

Job opportunities are another crucial factor for those planning a long-term stay in Japan. Here’s a general overview, but always research specific companies for detailed information.

English Teaching

For many foreigners, teaching English is a popular way to get started in Japan. While there’s an abundance of these jobs, competition can be fierce in major cities, especially Tokyo, if you have specific preferences regarding work hours and student age groups.

Smaller towns offer more flexibility and less competition, making them potentially the best places to live in Japan for aspiring English teachers.

Corporate Jobs

Best place to live in japan, business buildings

If you’re targeting international companies in fields like banking, finance, marketing, PR, design, HR, IT, programming, and similar areas, consider living in or around a major city.

For those seeking employment with Japanese companies, location flexibility is greater. While headquarters tend to be concentrated in big cities, numerous smaller companies are scattered throughout the country. Additionally, factories like Toyota, welcoming foreign workers, can be found in various regions.

Service Industry

If you are planning to enter the service industry, then there are many places to live in Japan for you, and a lot of local governments will provide support in helping you find a job. For this option, you can find yourself working in supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, shops and other areas. 

Finding Your Social Circle

Guide to choosing where to live fitting in in Japan

Consider your social preferences when choosing your ideal city. Would you feel more comfortable surrounded by familiar faces from your home country, or are you eager to integrate with the local Japanese population?

Big City Life

Major cities are popular choices for foreigners due to their established expat communities and high tourist influx. As of June 2019, foreign residents comprised 2% of Japan’s population, with 41% residing in the Kanto region (home to the capital).

Despite the growing foreign population, it’s not uncommon for foreigners to feel “outsider” or experience different treatment. Having a network of fellow foreigners can help combat feelings of isolation in Japanese society (Source: University).

Small Town Charm

In smaller cities and rural areas, you might be the sole foreigner, earning the label of “the foreigner.” This attention can be positive or negative. Some locals might be curious and welcoming, while others might be hesitant due to cultural differences. However, this scenario practically guarantees you’ll befriend locals if that’s your preference.

These are simplified examples, and experiences can vary. You might feel more isolated in a large, foreign-populated city or find better social integration in a smaller community. Everyone’s experience is unique. Consider this before making the move.

Japanese Community 

Sticking out Best place to live in japan

Living in a city where the Japanese community is supportive is an important factor to consider when it comes to choosing the best place to live in Japan. There’s this stereotype that Japanese people are all polite and nice. But, even within Japan, there are varying levels of “niceness”!

This survey, conducted with 4,700 Japanese between the ages of 20 and 59, asked which prefecture has the kindest and nicest people. In first place is Nagasaki prefecture, followed by Miyazaki and Gunma prefectures. Also, just a tidbit, Osaka prefecture ranked first as the prefecture with the most “personality”.

It’s also important to understand the distinction between polite and friendly. In our experience, many people in Tokyo are polite, but are not friendly. This means that they’ll be happy to assist you by giving you directions or by engaging you in small chat, but you’d have to work extra hard to become a friend whom they’ll actually want to hang out with and invite out.

Foreign Community

If you’d enjoy the company of fellow foreigners—someone from the same country or same background as you, or even just someone who speaks the same language as you—then consider living in a big place in Japan. As mentioned above, the big cities have the most foreigners and Tokyo most of all. It’ll be harder to find foreigners in smaller and quieter cities.

Unsure where to start? There are different Facebook groups that organise international meet-ups, loads of events with both foreign and local groups, and, of course, the gaijin bars (bars famous for their foreign clientele such as the British HUB chains in Shibuya).

Food and Drinks

Japanese food Best place to live in japan

When you think of Japanese food, sushi and ramen are probably some of the first things that pop into your head. However, it’s not as commonly eaten as you might think, and that’s ‘cause there are loads and loads of other kinds of Japanese food for people to pick from. It’ll be hard for you to get bored of eating here. 

When you think of Japanese food, sushi and ramen are probably some of the first things that pop into your head. However, it’s not as commonly eaten as you might think, and that’s ‘cause there are loads and loads of other kinds of Japanese food for people to pick from. It’ll be hard for you to get bored of eating here.

Tokyo also has the most Michelin stars in the world (there are even a few Michelin star instant cup noodles), and you will come across many high-rated restaurants. Each region has its own cuisine but you’ll be able to find most of them in Tokyo. Some dishes that originated in Tokyo include chanko-nabe (ちゃんこ鍋) which is a chicken-broth stew with vegetables and meat, previously the main food of soldiers and now commonly-eaten by sumo wrestlers.

Another Tokyo dish is the oden (おでん), a miso-broth typically with fishcakes, tofu, boiled egg, and more. Lastly, the anago sushi (穴子寿司), a saltwater eel sushi. It’s unclear if this originated in Tokyo but it’s certainly a signature dish that is found in most sushi restaurants.

Other prefectures have their own specialities. Hokkaido has the famous Sapporo ramen, Iwate has Morigawa cold noodles, and Yamagata has Uesugi beef. As mentioned before, you’ll probably be able to find all these region-based specialities in big cities, so you’ll have loads of options if you choose to move to one. If you’re worried you may get sick of Japanese food, have no fear.

Most cities usually have at least a few restaurants serving other cuisines, most prominently Italian, American, Chinese and Korean. You can also visit a family restaurant where they serve affordable international and fusion dishes, and these family restaurants are found everywhere.


Best place to live in japan winter

Japan’s compact size caused dramatic variations in climate across its different regions, thanks to its position and shape. This diversity also means each region boasts unique seasonal flowers, sports, and festivals.

For instance, Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island, experiences a subarctic climate, with drier and cooler temperatures. Winters plunge to around -5°C/23°F, while summers peak at 25°C/77°F. Hokkaido and Tohoku, the main island’s northern region, draw tens of thousands of visitors annually with their captivating winter festivals.

Eastern Japan, including Tokyo, experiences distinct seasons. Summers are scorching hot and humid, with temperatures reaching up to 30-35°C/86-95°F. Winters are cold and dry, dipping to around 0°C/32°F. Fortunately, most buildings blast air conditioning in summer and heating in winter, keeping you comfortable indoors.

Southern Japan enjoys a subtropical climate. Cities like Fukuoka experience lows of around 5°C/41°F in winter and highs of 30°C/86°F in summer. Okinawa, a separate island south of mainland Japan, holds the title of the hottest prefecture. Winters see temperatures drop to only 15°C/59°F, while summers soar to 30°C/86°F.

While all these regions offer unique experiences, some factors like comfortable weather year-round might be a priority when choosing the best place to live in Japan for you.

Best place to live in japan sakura cherry blossom trees

Rainy Season and Typhoon Seasons

Rainy Season (Late May to Mid-July): Brace yourself for high humidity during this period. As temperatures rise alongside humidity, the air can feel “sticky” and “warm.” The rainy season starts in the south and gradually works its way north, sparing most of Hokkaido.

Best place to live in japan cruise

Typhoon Season (Mid-August to September): Several typhoons can hit Japan during these late summer months. These storms can be particularly dangerous for those living near the ocean, with the potential to overturn vehicles and even damage buildings. Other areas might experience heavy rains and strong winds but are less likely to suffer severe damage.

Language Barrier

If you don’t speak Japanese, consider how “English-friendly” a city is. Even in major cities, English isn’t widely spoken. While things are slowly changing with more people learning English, navigating daily life can be challenging without some Japanese knowledge.

Most train stations, roads, shopping malls, and other facilities have English signage to aid navigation. However, some public transport, like buses, might be more difficult as announcements and stop names might solely be in Japanese.

Top Cities to Live in Japan: Finding Your Perfect Fit

Choosing the best place to live in Japan depends on your priorities. Here’s a breakdown of the top six cities with the most foreign residents to get you started:

1st: Tokyo

Best place to live in japan in Tokyo

If you like being in the middle of the action and don’t mind paying a little bit more or living somewhere a little smaller, then Tokyo might be the best place to live in Japan for you!

Being the capital city and home to many embassies and international companies, it’s no surprise that Tokyo has the most foreign residents and the go-to place to live in Japan; 20% of Japan’s foreign residents are in Tokyo. It’s one of the liveliest cities in the world, with countless activities and events happening all year round. It’s also extremely convenient, with trains and buses running all around the city.

As Tokyo also gathers the most tourists, you’ll easily be able to meet people from all around the world, making it possibly the best place to live in Japan As mentioned earlier, the income you would receive in Tokyo is higher than in any other city in Japan. But, the living costs tend to be higher too.

If you want to have a decent foreign community but don’t want to shell out too much on living costs, check out the 4th, 5th, and 6th Japanese prefectures with the most foreigners residents.


  • A big foreign community
  • Many job opportunities
  • Convenient transportation
  • Exciting events, entertainment and nightlife
  • If you need some peace and quiet, there are many parks, local neighbourhoods and nature nearby 2nd Aichi

2nd: Aichi 

Best place to live in japan for aichi prefecture

This may surprise you but Aichi is the prefecture with the second highest number of foreign residents, second-best place to live in Japan. The influx of foreigners has actually accelerated in recent years. This is possibly due to better, easier-paced working and living conditions for foreign residents.

The minimum wage in Aichi prefecture is 926 yen as of October 1, 1991. This is the fourth highest after Tokyo, Osaka and Kanagawa. Additionally, manufacturing companies such as Toyota are located there, and they accept foreign applicants, making it easy to get a job. As for the living environment in this place to live in Japan, it seems that Aichi prefecture has various systems that support foreign residents, such as cultural and Japanese language programs.


  • Great support
  • Good income
  • A lot of job opportunities in specific industries

3rd: Osaka 

Best place to live in japan osaka city prefecture

Osaka has the third most foreign residents and it is easy to see why. Osaka is home to Universal Studios, the famous Namba district, and is in close proximity to two other exciting cities: Kyoto and Nara. Also, many Japanese companies have branches in Osaka, along with various international businesses.

Some people have called Osaka “the second Tokyo”. Like Tokyo, Osaka has loads of entertainment and attractions. Where Osaka and Tokyo differ is mainly in the local population. There’s a stereotype that Osaka locals are rowdier and more direct than Tokyo locals who are perceived as reserved and polite. In fact, Osaka ranked number one as the prefecture with the most “personality”.


  • People with big personalities and individuality
  • A lot of entertainment in the area
  • Simpler lifestyle

The next three prefectures are all areas connected to Tokyo prefecture, making it easy to commute into Tokyo for work and/or leisure purposes. Depending on where you live in those prefectures and where you work in Tokyo, your commute could be anywhere between 30 minutes to two hours. If you’re hoping to work in Tokyo but think that the cost of living is too high, or if the hustle and bustle of the city isn’t for you, then check out some of these areas

4th: Kanagawa

Best place to live in japan kanagawa prefeture

Kanagawa prefecture is to the south of Tokyo. As it’s along the coast, there are many gorgeous beaches that will attract many out-of-towners during the summer. Since the living vibe and atmosphere differs largely even within the prefecture itself, I’m going to break down the major areas.

Yokohama has one of the busiest train stations in the world, making the surrounding area ripe for big buildings, lively entertainment, bars and restaurants. It also houses the famous Chinatown of Japan. Minatomirai and Sakuragicho are popular day-trip destinations for those living in or around Kanagawa prefecture.

There are many large shopping malls, amusement parks, and quirky museums such as the cup noodle museum and the ramen museum. There’s also more nature and tranquility, making it a good choice for people who want both the city and outdoors life.

In the south is Ogawara, which has a ton of nature. Ogawara station is also a stop on the shinkansen—bullet train—routes, making it easier for you to travel around to different parts of Japan. Yokosuka, also in the south, houses one of the largest U.S. military bases in Japan. You’ll find many Americans here and, as a result, more English-speaking establishments, especially restaurants and bars.


  • Easy access to Tokyo
  • Diverse
  • A lot of activities and leisure activities
  • Great for nature and traditions
  • A lot of tourist attractions

5th: Saitama 

Best place to live in japan, saitama prefecture

Saitama is in the north of Tokyo, and is known for being “moderately rural and modestly urban”, with a nice mix of the city and nature. There are many flower fields, lakes, and rivers that are enjoyed all-year-round, and all within traveling distance of the city centre.

Since Saitama also gets the most sun (ranked number one in Japan for eight consecutive years since 2009), you’ll be able to hang out at all these relaxing, outdoor spots for most days of the year. Rent is also much cheaper here; the rent of an apartment in Tokyo will usually get you a much bigger place in Saitama.

Saitama isn’t a very popular tourist destination so it’s also quieter and slower-paced. To top it all off, the ground in Saitama is said to be strong against earthquakes and tsunamis. If you are a sports fan, you will also love Saitama. Popular teams such as Saitama Seibu Lions, Urawa Reds, Omiya Ardija are well-known here.


  • Easy commute to Tokyo
  • Safe
  • Great weather
  • A lot of nature
  • Great for sports fans

6th: Chiba 

chiba prefecture Ultimate guide to choosing where to live

Chiba Prefecture is situated on the east side of Tokyo. Just a short train ride from the centre of Tokyo, you will arrive at the bay area of Chiba. There are many popular spots here such as Makuhari Messe, a complex convention facility famous for event venues, and the world-famous Tokyo Disney Resort.

Narita International Airport is also located in the Chiba area. Many international flights fly into this airport every day. There are also attractions such as the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple and Choshi fishing port around the airport. Chiba Prefecture is also surrounded by the coast, ports, and beautiful beaches. In fact, Kujukurihama, a beach in Chiba, was selected as one of Japan’s 100 best beaches, a coastline that extends about 66 kilometres facing the Pacific Ocean. It’s a popular destination for surfing and jet-skiing.

There are other nature spots with seasonal fruit-picking as well. There are also golf courses, hot spring resorts, large shopping malls, and facilities such as LaLaport TOKYO BAY and AEON Mall Makuhari New City.


  • Easy access to Tokyo
  • Big malls and shopping complexes
  • Entertainment facilities
  • Narita Airport

Deciding on Where to Settle in Japan

Finding the perfect city to live in Japan can feel like a big challenge. But don’t worry! If you look at things like how friendly the community is, what jobs are available, the yummy food, the weather, and how easy it is to get around, it can make things much easier. Each place in Japan has its own good things, like Tokyo’s busy streetsor Chiba’s peaceful beaches. So, by thinking about what you like and what’s important to you, you can find the best place for you.

The best city for you in Japan isn’t just about the place itself. It’s also about feeling like you belong and being happy. Japan has a lot of cool things to offer, like making new friends, finding a great job, and trying new things. So, as you start this exciting journey, remember that there’s a perfect place for you out there in Japan, waiting for you to find it!

Stay tuned for more information about Japan travel, Japanese culture, moving to Japan, living in Japan, Japanese language, and more. 

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